
Welcome to the Redmoor Academy Footprints site. This site is the space where you are able to connect with the various projects that the school are undertaking in relation to the centenary of the start of World War 1. You can discover information about a new ballet we have commissioned, be able to chart the progress of the construction of a World War 1 Gun Carriage, discover details of a new play and get to experiment with a historical interactive map of Hinckley. As the projects progress more information will be added so please keep coming back to find out more about what we are doing.

About Redmoor Academy

Redmoor Academy is a secondary school in Hinckley, Leicestershire, England. As well as high academic achievement, Redmoor has been recognised nationally as being a leader in Science, Engineering, Drama and Pupil Progress. Redmoor strives to be an innovator in creative and inspiring education and is ever reaching to better itself.